Main results

Manual Design Thinking

presenting knowledge about the method, DT stages and tools to work with this method

Our guide is the key to Design Thinking - from the basics to advanced techniques.

  • Introduction: For whom? Why? How? This tool is for your team, in any space, with available materials.
  • Empathize: You will learn the secrets of deeply understanding user needs and recognizing their motivations.
  • Define: You will learn to define the right problem and break habits.
  • Ideate: You will discover sources of inspiration and creative thinking techniques.
  • Prototype: You will learn how to visualize ideas and gather feedback.
  • Test: Identifying success in the user environment.


which will be a guide or recommendations for educators underlining empathization and active listening when creating materials for specials needs students. The objective is that educators are aware of the different backgrounds and needs of the students and adapt their teaching exercising empathy and active listening. We aim to create a more inclusive and supportive educational environment for all students.

Teaching material

DT method working exercises - material of DT designing of educational processes and services (for individual usage or to work with a group)

Design Thinking training programme

for teachers/educators/creators of educational products. Process description of training the target group in the defined time and defined goals

Good practices

presentation of the solutions used at the junction of education and DT as well as other branches